Role Based Access Control with Permit
RBAC now as easy as checking a box
Manage access using dynamic roles in seconds with a quick low-code interface
Looking for a more granular authorization
model? Try ABAC or ReBAC
Role Based Access Control
Effortless implementation and management
Create and manage robust RBAC authorization policies in an easy-to-use, fully customizable, no-code UI.
- 1
Create a role
Unlimited dynamic roles with a click in the UI, or a simple API call
- 2
Assign it to a user
Each user can have multiple roles in multiple tenants
- 3
Create a resource
Connect roles to resources and easily mapout your application's logic
- 4
Set up permissions
It's literally ticking a box!
APIs for
Create, manage and automate your policies with Permit‘s API. Anything done via the UI can be done with our API as well!

RBAC Policy-as-code generator
We generate RBAC policy-as-code so you don't have to
Permit writes policy-as-code (e.g. Rego, Cedar) directly into Git. Add and edit more code via Gitops

permit (
principal in Role::'Admin',
action in [Action::'View', Action::'Create'],
resource == Repo::'repo.git'
Fully flexible policy modeling
Projects, Envs
and Multi-Tenancy -
All out of the box.
Model RBAC permissions for multiple projects, environments and tenants in one unified interface.
Roles, actions, resources and policies defined for each environment are unique, allowing complete separation between each silo.

Can Permit handle your production scale?
Learn MoreZero latency enforcement
in your app
Adding Permit to your app is as easy as calling a function permit.check(identity, resource, action)